If you really knew how I felt, you'd call an ambulance...





Hi, Im Stephanie, this is my heart. Thank you for sharing it with me.


On this day you read something that moved you, that made you realise that there where no fears to fear and no more tears to cry. No head to hang in shame. That everytime you thought you offended someone it was just in your head and really, they love you with all their heart, and nothing will ever change that. That everyone and everything lives inside of you , that doesnt make any of this less real.


That soft touches will change you and stay longer with you then the hard ones.

That being alone means youre free. That old lovers miss you , new lovers wants you, and the one youre with is the one youre meant to be with. That tingles running down your arms are angel feathers and they whisper in your ear, constantly , if you choose to hear them. That everything you want to happen, will happen, if you decide you want it enough, that everytime you think a sad thought, you think a happy one instead.



That you control that completely

That people who make you laugh are more beautiful than beautiful people. That you laugh more than you cry. That crying is good for you.


That your friends are reflections of the best parts in you.



That the most embarrassing, akward moments in your life are only rememberd by you and no one else. That no one judges you when you walk in to a room, its if youre judging them. That the difference between work and art is passion. That neither defines who you are. That talking to strangers is how you make new friends.


That the difference between pain and love is time. That love is only as real as you want it to be. That if you feel good, you look good. It doesnt always work the other way around.


That nothing matters up to this point, that what you decide now, in this moment, will change the future. Forever. The rain is beautiful


And so are you.


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